The short answer is yes, our cleanses are low carb, compared to the average diet.
You see, not all carbs are the same.
When you read a nutritional label, the total carb number refers to carbs from all sources. However, some carbs get absorbed by the body and some don't.
Dietary Fiber, for example, is a type of carb that leaves your body mostly undigested, therefore not contributing to weight gain, and with a near-zero effect on your blood sugar.
So, what you really need to worry about is the number of NET CARBS, meaning, carbs that do get metabolized. How to find that number? Simple math: Net Carbs = Total Carbs minus Dietary Fiber.
If you do this with every juice or latte in our cleanses, you'll see that our net carb count is quite low compared to the average diet.
Your diet might not be the average diet.
Again, for the majority of cleansers, our cleanses' net carb count is low and healthy. However, we do understand it might not be your case. You might be used to very-low-carb dieting (keto? paleo? Atkins?) If that's the case, well, that's amazing! Keep up the good work!
What if you still want to enjoy one of our cleanses? what do you do?
Well, you could replace one or two juices with any low-carb meal of your choice. Just remember to keep the portions small, and remember to honor our rule: you drink (or eat) something every 2 hours.