As you likely know, dietary fiber is important for your health, especially for your cardiovascular system, metabolic flexibility, gut health, and the stabilization of blood glucose levels. If your diet does not consist of plenty of dietary fiber rich foods, doing our 3-Day Fat-burn cleanses or drinking our Fat-burn lattes may cause a temporary shock to your system and cause you to experience some bloating, gas, and constipation.
You can relieve this discomfort by increasing your fluid intake and with light exercising. Why, you ask? Well, most of the fiber you consume binds to water in the GI tract, which creates a big, soft bulk. The softer the bulk, the easier it passes through the GI tract. Problems arise, however, when there is too much fiber and not enough water.
This lack of water can lead to hard bulky stools along with the digestive problems that may come with them.